Ralph Emerson Pray Collection

The trinitite sold here is from the Ralph Pray collection. All specimens are photographed on a 1cm. grid sheet. Specimens are weighed on three separate gram scales for accuracy. Your scale may vary slightly.

2.50 gram trinitite. Excellent feldspar inclusions, and a nice solid piece. $45.00 + $10.50 shipping. $55.50 total.

Item: RP 024
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3.51 gram trinitite with holes from exploded gas bubbles. Nice feldspar inclusions. Large globular feldspar attached to bottom. $63.18 + $10.50 shipping. $73.68 total.

Item: RP 025
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1.66 gram trinitite with holes from exploded gas bubbles and nice feldspar inclusions. $29.88 + $10.50 shipping. $40.38 total.

Item: RP 030
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2.82 gram trinitite with numerous holes from exploded gas bubbles. Another roller that is covered on all sides with holes and desert sand fused into the piece. $50.76 + $10.50 shipping. $61.26 total.

Item: RP 032
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